ITS Again Makes Indonesia Proud at ABU Robocon Competition in India


ITS RIDER team competing at ABU Robocon 2022 in New Delhi, India. ITS Photo/Public Relations.

JAKARTA – Robotics team HIS represented by the RIDER team has again succeeded in bringing honor to the name of the alma mater and Indonesia at the international level. As the representative of Indonesia, the ITS team managed to qualify for the finals and won the second place in the ABU Asia-Pacific Robot Contest (Robocon) 2022 event held in New Delhi, in India, by the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union. (ABU) online, Sunday (21/21).8/2022) evening.

RIDER team supervisor at Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) Muhammad Lukman Hakim revealed that before they could compete to represent Indonesia in the Asia-Pacific arena, RIDER team successfully passed various stages. of national selection. Among them, being one of the best in the Contest Robot ABU Indonesia (KRAI) at the regional level and became KRAI’s first champion at the national level.

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The professor from the ITS Industrial Mechanical Engineering Department added that the RIDER team managed to win the first place title at the KRAI national level which coincidentally was held in 2022 at the ITS campus. “Alhamdulillah, from these results, we managed to become the only representative of Indonesia in the ABU Robocon 2022 competition,” he said, via a press release, Tuesday (23/8/2022).

Lukman continued, this time ABU Robocon 2022 carries the Lagori theme. It is a traditional game from India, where the team tries to hit a pile of stones with a ball. The pile of stones in this competition is replaced by a pole with a ball on it. The robot will get points when the thrown ball hits the ball on the pole.

Lukman explained that there are two robots in a team that will participate in ABU Robocon 2022. The two robots are named R1 (Khonsu) and R2 (Ammit). Khonsu is tasked with shooting Lagori and Ball on Head. Meanwhile, Ammit is tasked with organizing Lagori and collecting the balls from the ball carrier.

Thanks to the hard work of the team, the two robots managed to bring Team RIDER to the final round of ABU Robocon 2022. They managed to eliminate all the representatives of India, which consisted of two teams, and dashed the hopes of the representatives. from Mongolia. In the final round, due to the tight competition, the RIDER team only had a slight difference with the Hong Kong team. So the ITS team finally took second place.

With these results, it is the third time that an Indonesian team has won second place or second place in the ABU Robocon contest. Another Indonesian team had achieved feats in 2013 and 2007, when both were represented by Surabaya State Electronics Polytechnic (PENS).

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In 2021, ITS, through the RIOT team, managed to become the only Indonesian representative to win the Grand Prix title or first place in the ABU Robocon event since it was held in 2002.

Lukman explained that in the process this time, the team encountered various obstacles while preparing to participate in ABU Robocon 2022. One of them was that the team had consistency issues in shooting. ball. Therefore, the team must find a way to shoot steadily in a short time. “With the right method, Alhamdulillah, the problem can be solved,” he said.

Not to mention, Lukman expressed his gratitude to all the members of the RIDER team as all were willing to sacrifice their vacation time to build robots to prepare for this prestigious competition. In addition, Lukman also thanked the ITS management for supporting the RIDER team so much, both in terms of providing facilities and funding.

Concluding his explanation, Lukman hopes that all members of the ITS RIDER team can develop their respective potentials, so that they can contribute even better in the future. He hopes that in the future a new specialization will emerge from each developing individual. “I hope we will always achieve this achievement, so that we can continue to make ITS and Indonesia proud in the international arena,” he said optimistically.


Jordan Carlson

"Zombie geek. Beer trailblazer. Avid bacon advocate. Extreme introvert. Unapologetic food evangelist. Internet lover. Twitter nerd."

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