Irregular migrant flows to Austria hit record high –

The Austrian government has been urged by the opposition to tackle illegal immigration as more than 3,000 irregular migrants and refugees entered Austria this week, beating the record set in the first week of September.

The presidential election, scheduled for October 9, with most candidates on the far right side of the political spectrum, has put migration at the center of the campaign.

Austria has seen a large influx of refugees this year, with 47,000 registered, compared with 19,000 for 2021. Most are from the Middle East, particularly Afghanistan, Pakistan and India.

“Due to the interior minister’s total inaction and the kneeling of the chancellor party in front of its green coalition partners, Austria is headed for 100,000 or more illegal immigrants this year,” said Hannes Amesbauer, security spokesman for the far-right FPÖ. .

The Social Democrats who are currently in opposition are also dissatisfied with the government.

“Home Secretary Karner is completely overwhelmed with asylum seekers,” the party said. They noted a failure to find “reasonable” international solutions.

The refugee issue has dominated Austrian politics for years, with the strictest policies implemented during his two-year term in the office of the far-right FPÖ Interior Minister Herbert Kickl.

It could still challenge former Green Party leader and incumbent Alexander van der Bellen, as refugee policy has historically played out in the right hand.

If the incumbent does not achieve a simple majority in the first ballot, the rights, united behind FPÖ candidate Walter Rosenkranz, could put van der Bellen in his place.

In a similar second-round election in 2016, the far right came very close to winning.

Ambrose Fernandez

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