Investment: Hugues Mbandinga Madiya receives award in India |

For his contribution to strengthening trade relations between Gabon and India, the Minister of Investment Promotion in charge of Public-Private Partnerships, Hugues Mbandinga Madiya received the “India Africa Awards 2023” last week.

Hugues Mbadinga Madiya received the “India Africa Awards 2023” award on 15 June 2023 in New Delhi. ©Dr

Present in New Delhi in India where he took part in the launch of Gabon’s first agricultural SEZ project, with the Minister of Agriculture, Charles Mve Ella, Minister of Investment Promotion, Hugues Mbandinga Madiya being awarded the prestigious award. The government member received the “2023 India Africa Award”, for his enormous contribution to strengthening commercial relations between India and the Republic of Gabon. The award ceremony took place on June 15 at the Deshmukh Auditorium, India International Center in New Delhi.


In 2022, during the economic and cultural search mission undertaken by Indian businessmen in Gabon, the two countries further strengthen the cooperation that has bound them for more than 30 years. Minister Hugues Mbadinga Madiya, who oversees the National Investment Promotion Board (ANPI), offered all the facilities to Indian companies. Agreements have been signed and promising contacts established between companies in the two countries.

India has been present in Gabon for more than 30 years. Bilateral trade between the two countries has reached 1.12 billion dollars (729 billion FCFA) between 2021 and 2022. With more than 55 Indian companies currently operating in Gabon in the sectors of logging, mining, infrastructure, health… India is now in a position Gabon’s second largest destination for exports.

Serena Hoyles

"Twitter junkie. Hipster-friendly bacon expert. Beer ninja. Reader. Communicator. Explorer. Passionate alcohol geek."

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