Inheritance. Thirty years of discovery of the route to India

A room draped in silk for this very rare trip to India. Bindi (dot) as a welcome greeting on a woman’s forehead. On the walls, pictures of gods, temples… Welcome to a country where cows are sacred.

Opening, Carnatic concert music is practiced in south India and is considered one of the oldest music systems in the world. On the flute, JA Jayanth, is known for his sophisticated blowing technique, rhythmic diversity, and brilliance of creativity. He was accompanied by Sumsath Manjunath on violin and K. Sai Giridhar and Herbert Lang on percussion. The concert is under the high protection of the Indian Embassy, ​​in partnership with the Triveni and Affic associations.

Willingness to exchange

Since 1992, Affic has brought a new perspective to the country and build bridges with the subcontinent. “At that time, India aroused curiosity in France”, recalls Marie-Claire Kenil association president.

Initially, there was a desire for an exchange between the two countries. Students from the Montbéliard region went to Delhi for an exchange school in 1990. A similar collaboration was later established between the Lycée du Grand-Chênois in Montbéliard and the University of Rajastan in Jaipur.

Cultural and human aspects

In its development, Afific was formed in 1992 with members from various backgrounds. The aim was then to make Indian culture better known by hosting conferences, concerts and meals. There is a peak of the Indian year in France.

In 2005, Affic opened a humanitarian section after the tsunami to help fishermen in the south of the country, help schools, etc. One hundred children can attend Pondicherry.

The association is also on the initiative of three trips: Rajasthan, South India and the Ganges Valley.

Before blowing out the thirty candles, the participants shared Indian food. On the menu, biryani, cinnamon flavored rice, cumin, cardamom…

Contact: Afifc, Espace associative, 1 rue du Château in Montbéliard.

Serena Hoyles

"Twitter junkie. Hipster-friendly bacon expert. Beer ninja. Reader. Communicator. Explorer. Passionate alcohol geek."

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