Indonesia successfully holds various bridge championships and now hosts the Asian Bridge Championship

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA – Indonesia is set to hold the Asian Bridge Championship from October 19 to 25, 2022 at Sultan Hotel Jakarta.

The Asian Championships, which take place every four years, will mark the fourth championship after 2010 and 2014 in China and 2018 in India.

General Chairman of All-Indonesian Bridge Association (Gabsi), Prof. Or. Miranda S. Goeltom SE, MBA said that eleven countries have expressed their willingness to participate in this championship which will be played in four team numbers and four pair numbers. The eleven countries are: Australia, Bangladesh, China Hong Kong, Chinese Taipei, India, Japan, Korea, New Zealand, Singapore, Thailand and Indonesia as hosts. Meanwhile, the four numbers that will be competing are: Male, Female, Mixed and Senior

“Indonesia has been nominated by the APBF (Asia Pacific Bridge Federation) to host this championship in early 2022 based on Indonesia’s reputation for success in holding various bridge championships at the levels of the ASEAN and Asia-Pacific in the world championships such as in Nusa Dua Bali 2013. APBF is supported by many countries as Indonesia managed to enter the bridge branch for the first time at SEA Games 2011 and at the 2018 Asian Games,” Miranda Gultom said at a press conference on Tuesday 11/10/2022.

Indonesia through PB Gabsi admitted that by organizing this championship he received support from various parties, this is proof that the sport of Bridge is one of the prides of Indonesia .

“Thank you to Panpel who worked hard to make this event a success and to the Committee for National Team Creation and Development (KPPTN) who has been preparing the athletes since last year. Hopefully we can win two success, successful Thanks also to BCA sponsors as platinum sponsors, Teknologi Karya Digital, Adaro, Bank BNI, Bank Mandirl, PT Ayopop Teknologi Indonesia and all parties who helped make this event possible,” said Miranda Gultom.

Meanwhile, Retired TNI Major General Ivan R. Pelealu, SE, MM, Chairman of Harlan PB Gabsi, who has been appointed Chairman of the Implementation Committee, said one important thing, the Panpel will enforce the rules of the health protocol for athletes and committees, who are required to wear masks, maintain distance and wash their hands.

“The committee will prepare hand sanitizer and masks. In addition, the Panpel will also spray the match hall and equipment every day after the match is over and if necessary also during lunch,” Ivan continued.

As known, the first Bridge Asia Cup championship was held in 2010 in Ning Bo, China. Indonesia looked mighty to win the Ning Bo Trophy and become the first men’s number champion.

Players who played during this time were Henky Lasut, Eddy Manoppo, Robert Tobing, Taufik Asbi, Belly Rumengan and Mahkota Ananda.

Meanwhile, in the women’s number “Chicheng Cup”, Indonesia, which fielded players Lusje Bojoh, Julita Tueje, Kristina Wahyu, Suci Amita Dewi, Rury Andhani and Fransisca Arryant, took second place.

Meanwhile, in the second Asian Cup Championship in 2024 in Zhe Jiang China, Indonesia won the senior and women’s numbers. Meanwhile, the men’s team had to settle for silver medals after being beaten by Singapore in the last round.

The senior players deployed at this time were Henky Lasut, Eddy Manoppo, Munawar Sawiruddin, Bambang Hartono, Bert Toar Polii and Tanudjan Sugiarto.

Women’s team: Lusje Olha BojohJoice Tueje Mandolang, Suci Amita Dewi-Kristina Wahyu and Conny Sumampouw, Rury Andhani. Next, the men’s team featured Taufik Asbi, Robert Tobing, Franky Karwur, Noldy George and Giovani Watulingas.

Jordan Carlson

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