Indians charged with unruly behavior towards woman on flight

NEW DELHI — Indian police have arrested a recalcitrant airline passenger after a woman on board an Air India flight from New York complained that he had urinated on her in business class.

Shankar Mishra was picked up by police in the southern city of Bengaluru and taken to the Indian capital on Saturday, New Delhi police spokesman Suman Nalva said on Sunday.

Nalva refused to say what Mishra told investigators after his arrest. The Times of India newspaper quoted Mishra as saying he was drunk and couldn’t believe what he had done.

A court in New Delhi sent him to jail for 14 days while police investigate the complaint accusing Mishra of outraging a woman’s modesty during a flight from New York to New Delhi. If convicted, he faces up to three years in prison.

Sugata Bhattacharjee, another passenger on the flight, told reporters that he saw Mishra consuming excessive amounts of alcohol and that Mishra talked incoherently and asked him the same question about his family several times.

Also on Saturday, Air India issued written notices and placed a pilot and four cabin crew under house arrest, as the incident sparked outrage on social media and among activists, who said a 30-day flight ban for Mishra was not enough.

Air India filed a police complaint this week, although the incident happened on November 26. It said the crew did not call police upon landing in New Delhi, believing the two had solved the problem themselves.

According to Indian media reports, Air India acted after being urged by the family of the passenger, an elderly woman, to punish Mishra.

“Air India recognizes that it could have managed these matters better, both in the air and on the ground, and is committed to taking action,” the airline’s CEO and chief executive Campbell Wilson said in a statement.

Meanwhile, Mishra’s job as a Mumbai-based manager has been terminated by his employer, Wells Fargo & Company, an American multinational financial services company, the firm said in a statement on Friday.

Sybil Alvarez

"Incurable gamer. Infuriatingly humble coffee specialist. Professional music advocate."

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