Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi as guest of honor

IThere will be a sizeable guest, on the occasion of the July 14th military parade, namely Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India. With this invitation, Paris and New Delhi wish to “engage in a new phase of strategic partnership”, according to a joint French-Indian press release. And to mark this milestone, “a contingent indian armed forces will participate in the march with the French troops,” the statement said.

It will also involve “starting a new phase of the strategic partnership between France and Indiaby setting ambitious new goals for strategic, cultural, scientific, academic and economic cooperation, including across a wide range of industrial sectors”.

Recalling that the two countries “share the same vision of peace and security, particularly in Europe and the Indo-Pacific region”, they also wish to “take joint initiatives to respond to the great challenges of our time, in particular climate change , loss of biodiversity and achievement of the Development Goals Sustainable”.

Increasing French influence in Asia-Pacific

This visit “will be an opportunity for France and India to reaffirm their commitment to multilateralism, particularly within the framework of India’s presidency of the G20”, they further explained.

France seeks to increase its influence in the vast Asia-Pacific region where it has territory, such as New Caledonia or French Polynesia. President Emmanuel Macron visited China last month, which is stepping up its show of force against Taiwan.

But since the loss of a major submarine contract with Australia, Paris has also sought to strengthen its partnership with India.

READ ALSOChina, Russia, India… These countries that (also) conquered the MoonDuring a visit to India last September, French Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna noted the “commonality” between Delhi and Paris in the fact that “block-to-block logic would go wrong: this is no longer American logic, we are distinguishing ourselves with a more nuanced and multidimensional approach.” in our relationship with China.”

He added that France shares with India “a very broad convergent analysis of China’s stance, its militarization, its assertiveness – I could use stronger words, especially when we think of what has been created in the Taiwan Strait – and also concerns that are very widely shared.” ” .


Serena Hoyles

"Twitter junkie. Hipster-friendly bacon expert. Beer ninja. Reader. Communicator. Explorer. Passionate alcohol geek."

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