Indian Prime Minister Modi inaugurates a controversial Hindu temple

India is on its way to becoming the most populous country in the world. In 2023, the country flies to the moon, and with the inauguration of a huge temple, Prime Minister Modi sees the beginning of a new era.

In a show of strength by him Hindu nationalist party BJP in the 2024 elections, Indians Prime Minister Narendra Modi a controversial Hindu temple is inaugurated.

The mosque was destroyed by extremists

The inauguration of a temple on Monday in the pilgrimage city of Ayodhya marked a “new era,” Modi said ahead of construction in honor of the Hindu god Rama. This one is on The mosque's ruins were destroyed by Hindu extremists in 1992 has been built.

At a solemn ceremony, the Prime Minister of India, dressed in traditional gold robes, unveiled a stone statue of a Hindu deity.

“God has made me an instrument to represent all the people of India,” Modi said before the inauguration began, while praying at the foot of the flower-bedecked and bejeweled statue.

The opposition stays at home

Outside the venue, tens of thousands of supporters of Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) singing and dancing filled the streets of Ayodhya. They waved flags, honked horns and beat drums while military helicopters rained flower petals from the sky. According to media reports, prominent opposition representatives did not attend the event.

Events that occurred in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh were also taken into consideration Opening of Modi's election campaign for the parliamentary elections in April and May, in which he and his BJP looking for the third semester. Modi is trying to present himself before the elections Defender of Hinduism to the stage.

That Construction of the temple was a campaign promise of Modi's ruling Hindu nationalist party. Now he has managed to make this happen – just months before this year's parliamentary elections. India is the world's most populous democracy with around 1.4 billion people 80 percent are Hinduabout 14 percent Muslim.

Concerns about new religious conflicts

The one from 16th century original mosque Babri Mosque was stormed and destroyed in December 1992 by radical Hindus, including BJP supporters. The attack sparked serious clashes between Hindus and Muslims across the country, killing more than 2,000 people, most of them Muslims.


Modi's nationalist BJP party has that The construction of the temple has been demanded for many years. In 2020, the head of the Indian government laid the foundation stone of the temple in Ayodhya. Critics accuse the BJP of trying to unite India, which is constitutionally secular Hindu nationalist state wants to change and marginalize Muslim minorities.

Hindus revere the temple site which is now inaugurated as Rama's birthplace (in Hindi: Ram). The mythical god-king is worshiped as the seventh incarnation (avatara) of the god Vishnu; His life story is reported in the heroic epic Ramayana. Many Hindus believe that this mosque was built on the site of an earlier Rama temple.

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