Indian football is free from the trap of FIFA sanctions, these are the advantages

HOLOPIS.COM, JAKARTA – The Supreme Court (SC) of India or commonly known as the Supreme Court of India has accepted FIFA’s request to resolve the issue of Indian football.

Indian football is now officially under the fold of the Indian Football Federation (AIFF) independently, after SC revoked the influence of the Committee of Trustees (COA) or the Three Member Committee/Administrative Committee.

FIFA official website report, Sunday (28/8), based on this, FIFA then lifted the sanctions that were hampering Indian football.

The lifting of the freeze sanction also has a good impact on Indian football from now on.

Here are some of the benefits that Indian football received from the lifting of FIFA sanctions.

  • The U-17 Women’s World Cup could officially be held from October 11 to 30, 2022
  • Indian Football International Test Matches of all levels and genders are possible
  • International transfer sections can be redone
  • A football development course or program that had stopped can now be delivered by the AIFF as before

For information, some time before FIFA imposed sanctions in the form of a freeze on Indian football because there was interference from a third party. After CLICK HERE.

The sanctions have also had an effect on Indian football, with one of the most impacting being the U-17 Women’s World Cup, where ticket sales were made.

But now the problem is solved and the U-17 Women’s World Cup, whose tickets have already been sold to the public, can be used properly.

Cheryl Tenny

"Thinker. Food advocate. Incurable coffee enthusiast. Communicator. Proud student. Zombie buff. Tv fanatic. Extreme troublemaker."

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