India: with temperatures of nearly 45°C recorded, heat wave kills at least 96 people

A horrific heatwave has killed at least 96 people in India, in the country’s two most populous states.

A deadly heatwave has hit northern India in recent days, claiming many lives. At least 96 people were killed in the states of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, most of them aged over 60. Last Saturday, the mercury rose to 44.7°C in the Bihar region, and 43°C on Sunday in Ballia, Uttar Pradesh.

In both states, temperatures averaged 5°C above the seasonal norm this weekend, and high humidity intensified the warming effect. In Ballia, about 300 patients were hospitalized for conditions exacerbated by high temperatures, and the local hospital had to cancel requests for leave from nurses and increase the number of emergency beds to accommodate heat victims, according to Associated Press.

Authorities said hospitalized patients were suffering from fever, vomiting, diarrhea and even heart problems, due to dehydration, and urged the elderly not to leave their homes.

During June, July and August, the hottest months of the year, India suffers from severe water shortages, leaving millions of people without access to running water and therefore unable to cool off and quench their thirst. . It is necessary to wait for the monsoon period, the rainy season, for the temperature to drop significantly.

However, India’s meteorological department said the heatwave was expected to end this week, although Monday was still very hot.

Serena Hoyles

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