India wants to set up a phosphate processing plant in Morocco

Mansukh Mandaviya, Minister of Health and Minister of Chemicals and Fertilizers, will travel to North African countries to seal the agreement, reports the Indian mint, which specializes in economic information. The visit will also be an opportunity for the Indian company to explore the possibility of setting up a factory dedicated to the production of DAP and NPK.

“Morocco has huge reserves of phosphorus, an essential element for fertilizer production. Therefore, I plan to travel to Morocco on January 13-14 to sign the memorandum of understanding,” said Mandaviya. New Delhi’s idea is to establish trade and investment links with mineral-rich countries, to diversify sources of supply and ensure its food sovereignty.

This was because imports of DAP from China stopped, following the war in Ukraine which caused a spike in raw material prices. Thus, “as part of the joint venture, private and public actors will handle the extraction, production and delivery of fertilizers to India,” the minister added.

Data from the Department of Chemistry and Fertilizers of India show that India’s need for fertilizer is around 43.5 million tons. India is heavily dependent on imports of muriate potash.
Imports in recent years have fluctuated between 2.4 million tonnes and 4.7 million tonnes. In the case of diammonium phosphate, about 60% of its needs are imported.

Serena Hoyles

"Twitter junkie. Hipster-friendly bacon expert. Beer ninja. Reader. Communicator. Explorer. Passionate alcohol geek."

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