India wants to empty its prisons as it approaches the 75th anniversary of its independence

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In India, the government wants to release as many prisoners on trial as possible. They would be around 350,000 languishing behind bars even without being punished. In the run-up to the 75th Independence Day, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has urged legal authorities to act.

With our correspondent in Bangalore, Como Bastin

The Prime Minister delivered his message at the first meeting of local courts across India. In particular, he called on local judges, assisted by police and prison staff, to speed up as many decisions as possible to release prisoners as the symbolic anniversary of India’s independence approaches.

Position of Narendra Modi following a harsh ruling by the Supreme Court against India’s justice system on July 11. ” Prisons in India are flooded with citizens on trial “, judging high institutions, adding that among these, many are for very minor reasons or sometimes even for no real reason, which is similar to ” police state “.

On July 15, Minister of Justice Kiren Rijiju was furious that 350,000 Indians were awaiting trial, sometimes because they could not afford lawyers. According to the minister, the government has decided to facilitate pardons and reduced sentences in order to vacate prisons as quickly as possible.

Serena Hoyles

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