India to host R20 next year

Next year, an international conference of world religious leaders will be held in India.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BADUNG — General Chairman of the Board of Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) KH Yahya Cholil Staquf or who is commonly referred to as Gus Yahya has officially closed the Religion of Twenty (R20) forum in the region from Nusa Dua to Bali, Badung, Thursday (3/11/2022). Next year, this international conference of world religious leaders will be held in India.

Prior to its closure, Gus Yahya handed over management G20 Religious Forum in 2023 to Indian religious figure, HH Mahamahopadhyaya Swami Bhadreshdas. This handover was marked by the deposition of banners R20 forum and placards.

The two were accompanied by a number of personalities, such as the head of the Muslim World League (MWL) for Southeast Asia and Australia, Sheikh Abdurrahman Al-Khayyat, the representative of the Indonesian government Muhsin Syihab , Ahmad Suaedy as Chairman of the R20 Forum Committee. , and a number of religious figures from India.

In his closing remarks, Gus Yahya then expressed his infinite gratitude to the speakers and participants who had come to respond to his invitation. He also pointed out that the Forum R20 is the beginning of the realization of the hope that NU has achieved so far.

From time to time, he said, NU tries to reach out and find people to become partners in order to produce a global movement and contribute to human development and a better future for human civilization.

“We made a universal call and you answered our call,” Gus Yahya said.

According to Gus Yahya, being together for two days in Bali is none other than fulfilling these shared ideals. “And at this point, I believe we all agree and agree that R20 is not just an event, but growing it into a global movement,” Gus Yahya said.

Meanwhile, R20 forum spokesperson Najib Azca explained that the R20 forum in Bali produced a communiqué, which contained the conclusions of what was discussed during the R20 plenary session. One of its contents will ask the Indonesian government to propose to the G20 Forum on November 15-17 that the R20 be officially accepted as an official G20 engagement event.

“So in one of the communiqués, we will bring that will to the G20 forum, of course through the Indonesian government, which is now the president,” Najib said.

Jordan Carlson

"Zombie geek. Beer trailblazer. Avid bacon advocate. Extreme introvert. Unapologetic food evangelist. Internet lover. Twitter nerd."

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