India: The Living Church in West Bengal – ZENIT

By Carlos Rosas-Jiménez

I’m back happy says Barbara Rettig, project manager fromAED for part ofIndia, returning from his trip to West Bengal. ” Jsee the Church full of joy, full ofhope, people singing, accompanying their songs to the sound of drums during the Eucharistic celebration… There, Ifeel that faith is joy. People go to mass. Full churches says Barbara Rettig.

IIndia is a multicultural country that has traditionally accepted the Christian faith throughapostle of Saint Thomas who arrived in the south of the country in the middle of the first century AD, after thathe landed on the nearby Malabar coastthe old port of Muzaris (Cranganore).

Todaytoday, Christians make up about 2.3% of the population and are scattered throughout the country. However, in partsIndia, there are barriers to religious freedom. However, in some areas inIn India there are barriers to religious freedom, several states have passed laws to regulate religious conversions. “In West Bengal, there is nonethere are still no anti-conversion laws”, says Barbara Rettig, “religious freedom is greater there than anywhere else.another part of the country.

Threats of anti-conversion laws

Constitution ofIndia guarantees freedom of religion based on equal treatment of all religious traditions. However, according to the annual report of PTAEDs 2021 Report on Religious Freedom in the Worldanti-conversion laws are usually passed at the request of Hindu nationalist groups who fear the Hindu characterIndia is threatened by the growth of “competitive” religions. Thus, in countries where religious minorities exist, these laws are disproportionately aimed at them. For example, both Muslims and Christians were greatly affected, as both traditions were involved in missionary activities, the report added.

on lIn the absence of anti-conversion laws in the state of West Bengal, the Church lives on in blessingbe careful of ithe received from his pastor: “On my way, meI can clearly see that people are asking Jesus, because the shepherd knows his sheep and the sheep knows the voice of his shepherd. JI mostly doexperience when I was in the car with a bishop: people greeted him as he passed and he responded to this greeting knowing very well who he was talking to.addressed. It was an amazing experience,” said Barbara Rettig.

“The Bible is truly revered”

Pastoral closeness can also be seen in the priests, nuns and lay people who assist the Basic Ecclesiastical Community (BEC). CEB is a small group of believers who gather around the Word of God andthe Eucharist, and which helps in the pastoral and social development of their environment, with their neighbors. They come together to share their faith and meditate on God’s Word, follow the seven-step meditation method and share the Gospel. Among them there is an atmosphere of intense communion, and they treat the Word of God with the greatest respect. At the beginning of their meeting, Bible dfirst carried in procession and enthroned. They treated him with such respect that II’m impressed. The Bible is really respected,” said Barbara Rettig.

Responsible person trainingassisting people in this region is a priority forAED, according to the project manager forIndia. “We support the formation of leaders who can continue to help the faithful to remain firm in the faith”, said Barbara Rettig, “not only those who attend CEB, but also those who participate in dother pastoral activities. We don’t leave them alone. We must rejoice at ithe didthere are still no anti-conversion laws in this area.”

IAED also supports the construction and renovation of small churches in rural West Bengal. He also cooperates in the formation of catechists, in the formation of seminarians, priests and nuns, and provides subsistence assistance to priests throughMass offerings.

Carlos Rosas-Jimenez

Serena Hoyles

"Twitter junkie. Hipster-friendly bacon expert. Beer ninja. Reader. Communicator. Explorer. Passionate alcohol geek."

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