India-China border dispute: the shadows of the 60-year war resurfacing on the border

  • Writer, Soutik Biswas
  • Role, BBC journalist in India

image sources, AFP


Indian troops near Tawang in Arunachal Pradesh, an Indian state claimed by China.

The dispute between China and India began 60 years ago on a sunny autumn morning.

On October 23, 1962, the Chinese military engaged in an intense artillery barrage in what was then a vast Himalayan region in northeast India known as the Northeast Frontier Agency (NEFA). The region borders China and Bhutan.

Today, the area is called Arunachal Pradesh, an Indian state of over one million people. China continues to claim the region as its own.

More than a year later, further troubles between the two sides arose again.

Jordan Carlson

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