India accuses China of wanting to change border status after clashes

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Department of Defense IndiaRajnath Singh, sharp China seeking to change the status quo on the Himalayan border following clashes in Tawang, Arunachal Pradesh, last week.

Singh conveyed the accusation while in parliament on Tuesday (13/12).

“On December 9, the People’s Liberation Army [PLA] trying to unilaterally change the status quo by violating the line of actual control, in the Yangtze region of Tawang sector,” Singh said, quoted AFP.

The border dispute has injured soldiers from both countries. Singh also explained that the Indian troops managed to repel the Chinese army.

“A fight ensued in this fight. The Indian Army bravely stopped the PLA from encroaching on our territory and forced them to retreat to their post,” Singh said.

[Gambas:Video CNN]

Furthermore, the Indian Defense Minister explained that on December 11, commanders from both sides held a meeting to discuss the border dispute.

Meanwhile, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman, Wang Wenbin, said conditions at the border had stabilized today.

“As far as we understand, the situation on the Indo-China border is stable,” Wang said.

Wang also explained that talks on border issues were conducted through diplomatic and military channels.

The Chinese diplomat hopes that New Delhi shares its views with Beijing.

In addition, India can earnestly implement the important consensus reached by the two leaders, strictly abide by the spirit of the agreement signed by the two parties.

“(And) jointly maintain the peace and tranquility of the China-India border region,” Wang said.

India and China share a land border of 3,800 kilometers. However, the border situation comes and goes.

In June 2020, Indian and Chinese troops engaged in hand-to-hand combat in Galwan Valley, Ladakh. This place is close to the Tibetan plains controlled by Beijing.

The incident left 20 Indian soldiers and a number of Chinese soldiers injured.


[Gambas:Video CNN]

Cheryl Tenny

"Thinker. Food advocate. Incurable coffee enthusiast. Communicator. Proud student. Zombie buff. Tv fanatic. Extreme troublemaker."

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