India: 13 people died after falling into a well during a wedding

Tragic accident. Thirteen women and girls died in northern India when they fell to the bottom of a well after the metal plates covering them fell off under their weight, police said on Thursday (17 February). This tragedy occurred at a wedding.

“Thirteen women died in the incident that occurred overnight from Wednesday to Thursday,” said Akhil Kumar, deputy police chief of Kushinagar. a district in the state of Uttar Pradesh where the accident happened.

During a wedding ceremony in a village, women and young girls sit on metal plates, blocking a well. The latter surrendered and led to their downfall, the police officer told the press

A “heartbreaking” accident.

According to the District Judge, S. Rajalingam, the building was old and unable to support the weight of that many people. “The victim fell and was crushed by the rubble,” he said.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi reacted to the announcement of this “heartbreaking” crash on Twitter. “Local governments are involved for every possible assistance,” he assured.

In 2017, 24 wedding guests were killed when a wall collapsed during a violent storm in the western state of Rajasthan.

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