In what year was leprosy discovered?

Leprosy has always been the cause of serious epidemics that have killed millions of people worldwide. In what year was it found?

Leprosy, or Hansen’s disease, is one of them the oldest disease of our humanity. That is why it is quite difficult to pinpoint the date of discovery of the first case. However, the oldest text testifying to the presence of the disease dates back to 600 BC. Countries like China, India or Egypt will be the first to be affected by this disease. Indeed, according to various ancient records, including the Sucruta, the oldest and most faithful description of the disease dates back to the 6th century BC, in India. At that time leprosy was called “Kushtha”, literally meaning “gnawing disease”. After that, leprosy is said to have reached Europe via Greek soldiers returning from Alexander the Great’s campaigns in India.

Geographical uncertainty about the origin of the disease

According to some historical records from India, this disease will gradually reach China. Thus, if the exact dating of leprosy seems complicated, many studies can enlighten us to try to find the geographical origin of this disease. So, according to results a study conducted in 2005by researchers from Pasteur Institute, there is evidence that outside the Indian subcontinent, leprosy originates primarily from East Africa, and even from the Near East region. That spread of germs from region to region would be facilitated by the various migrations affecting the world at the time.

Even older origin?

As noted above, we may lack data to establish the exact origin of diseases such as leprosy. So long before 600 BC, the Bible, in the book of Leviticus, reveals the expression ” Tsarath “, which can be translated by the expression ” Meadow “. However, in a broad sense, it is possible that such a word is used only to denote a skin problem, and not the disease specifically. The story describes hygiene and health measures that have been taken to eradicate the disease. Measures very similar to those described in first confirmed case of leprosy. Finally, in 1750 BC, the Code of Hammurabi, in honor of the king of the same name, also includes the word “leprosy”, if it is associated with excluded sick patients Kingdom.

Who discovered leprosy?

Medical language characterizes it as Hansen’s disease. It is an infectious disease as mentioned above which is caused by a bacterium close to bacteria tuberculosis. The bacteria that causes leprosy is called Mycobacterium leprae and was first discovered by Norwegians Gerhard Armauer Hansen in 1873.

How is leprosy gone?

In the past, this disease only attacked the poor. To this end, it has even been characterized as a disease of the poor. Very present in Europe in the past because of the continent’s extreme poverty, Leprosy now it has disappeared thanks to the development of medical science which made it possible to eradicate this scourge. However, there are still several regions in Europe whose subjects suffer from this disease.

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Serena Hoyles

"Twitter junkie. Hipster-friendly bacon expert. Beer ninja. Reader. Communicator. Explorer. Passionate alcohol geek."

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