In order to get a faster iPhone 14, this Indian is desperate to fly to Dubai


In order to get a faster iPhone 14, this Indian was desperate to fly to Dubai. Photo/BBC

DUBAI – A man from the southern Indian state of Kerala traveled thousands of miles to Dubai in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to buy the latest iPhone, just hours before it went live. sale in India.

Dheeraj Palliyil flew overseas to buy the iPhone 14 Pro last week to be one of the first people in the world to own Apple’s latest gadget.

He is ready to spend $500 or about 7.5 million rupees for a plane ticket and about $1,617 (24 million rupees) to buy the latest iPhone model.

The iPhone is arguably one of the most coveted smartphones in the world.

First launched by Apple in 2007, its emergence has revolutionized mobile technology and is one of the main reasons for the company’s immense success.

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Over the years, fans have gone to great lengths to buy her new model. Many also consider the telephone to be a status symbol. There are reports of people selling their organs and waiting hundreds of hours in queues outside Apple stores on the day of the phone’s launch.

But Palliyil, 28, is no stranger to this madness. This is the fourth time he has been to Dubai just to buy a phone in front of other people.

It first did so in 2017 when it launched the iPhone 8, followed by trips in 2019 and 2021.

He said he didn’t want to wait and loved the excitement of waiting outside the Apple Store to be the first to receive the phone.

Jordan Carlson

"Zombie geek. Beer trailblazer. Avid bacon advocate. Extreme introvert. Unapologetic food evangelist. Internet lover. Twitter nerd."

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