In memory of Roeslan Abdulgani, occupied section during the Afro-Asian conference of 1955

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Today, June 29, 2005, Roeslan Abdulgani passed away. He was the former Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs from 1954 to 1956. The man who was born in Surabaya on November 24, 1914 is known as an Indonesian statesman and politician.

Coming from the Presidential Library chain of the National Library of Indonesia, Cak Roes, as he is colloquially known, is also the Secretary General of the National Library of Indonesia. Asia Africa Conference in Bandung in 1955. After the end of the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs, he became Minister of Information in 1962-1965. Then, when President Suharto was in charge of the government, Roeslan was considered Indonesia’s ambassador to the United Nations (1967-1971).

Roeslan had dreamed of becoming a member of the military as a teenager, but his dream fell through. Because at that time military schools were only for priyayi children. Not giving up, he enrolled in a special European teacher training school.

But in the end, Sihawati Nawangwulan’s husband won the title of honorary four-star general of the Indonesian armed forces, Bintang Mahaputra. The father of five had received several educational benches, including Barnard College in New York (1969), Hunter College (1968), Notary Course I and II (1940), Book Management Course A and B (1938), HBS- B Surabaya (1934), MULO, Surabaya (1932), HIS, Surabaya (1928).

His fight for independence

As a teenager, Roeslan Abdulgani joined Natipy, a nationally oriented scout, he was also a member of Jong Islamieten Bond and Indonesia Muda. During the Japanese occupation, Roeslan led the youth movement and participated in the seizure of power in Japan upon the proclamation of independence.

He was involved in several battles when several Allied troops landed in Surabaya. After November 10, 1945, Roeslan moved to Malang, East Java and worked in the Ministry of Information. Soon after, he took up the post of Secretary General of the Ministry of Information and is based in Yogyakarta.

Roeslan Abdulgani had an unfortunate incident. During the second military attack on December 19, 1945, he was hit in the right hand and several of his fingers had to be amputated.

After the struggle, Roeslan Abdulgani was the chancellor of IKIP Bandung the first for the period 1964-1966, and was listed as the 3rd campus leader Bumi Siliwangi since being named PTPG Bandung. He has written several books, including: Indonesian socialism in 1965, Nationalism, Revolution and Guided Democracy in Indonesia (1973), Asia-Africa Conference, Bandung: History, Ideals and Their Influence (1975), Southeast Asia in the Middle of the Giants of the World (1978), and Indonesia looking to the future (1987).


Lily: KAA 1955, Roeslan Abdulgani Hardik Director of American Oil

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Jordan Carlson

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