In India, mixed uniforms: unisex clothing that advances the mentality

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What is the weight and role of school uniforms on adolescent behavior? Did making it unisex and erasing the differences between women and men matter? This is what schools and high schools in Kerala, who have adopted him, have seen.

A dozen schools in the south India has decided to switch to a mixed school uniform. No more pleated skirts for girls and trousers for boys. Now everyone is wearing pants. What might pass as a detail actually has a real effect on children’s behavior. Girls invest more in the playground, dare to climb and move more easily. In junior high and high school, girls are also more confident. Boys also realize that equality is still far from being achieved.

Abortion and Forced Sterilization of Indigenous Women in Quebec

Journalist Ingrid Therwath reviews articles that have caught the attention of our partner, Courrier International.

In Quebec, a university report says more than 20 indigenous women who have undergone forced abortions and sterilization, between 1980 and 2019. The phenomenon will actually be far more important and will concern many First Nations women. The latter have become victims of the irreversible procedures that are the fruit of the paternalistic health system, denounce the associations that represent women, and the legacy of colonialism.

In Egypt, women are not required to wear the headscarf. In 2015, 90% of them still wear it, but this trend is decreasing. However, removing the veil does not free them from external orders. If they decide to go out without covering their heads, society expects certain behaviors from them: less revealing clothing, fashionable hairstyles, more make-up…

In the United States, the New York Philharmonic Orchestra now has more female musicians (45) than male musicians (44). This is possible thanks to a very effective recruitment method against discrimination: screening techniques. Blind the judges don’t know the gender of the person playing.

Simone Veil’s fight was adapted into a play

Simone Veil is a woman of faith. In her role as judge or in government, she fought for the duty of memory, Europe, women’s rights and, of course, for the legalization of abortion. Her extraordinary journey is told by actress Cristiana Reali, who slips into the skin of a former minister in the play “Les combats d’une effrontée”.

Serena Hoyles

"Twitter junkie. Hipster-friendly bacon expert. Beer ninja. Reader. Communicator. Explorer. Passionate alcohol geek."

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