In India, a community in Gujarat has banned beards and birthday cakes.

A community in the state of Gujarat, in western India, has decided to fine young people who wear beards in line with current trends. signal India Time. The fine is set at 51,000 rupees or about 570 euros. Community leaders decided to implement this rule because beards would prevent them from distinguishing the younger generation from each other.

When asked by an Indian daily about the reason for imposing such a large fine, the community's chairman, Raymal Chaudhary, stated:

“Most young people today have beards, and it's getting harder to tell who's who.”

Other community members said the ban was necessary because spiritual leaders also wear beards and therefore provisions should be made for them.

“The social practice of opium consumption at the time of the death of a member of society” has also been banned, and anyone caught violating it will be fined 100,000 rupees, or more than 1,000 euros, noted Indian Express.

Other decisions taken at a community meeting in early April included banning birthday cakes and even DJs at weddings. Video and photography at weddings will be banned from now on, without a fine.

The rule was introduced to curb spending on ceremonies organised by the Chaudhary community, a lower caste in Gujarat. A senior member of the community told the Indian English daily, on condition of anonymity, that the community wanted to promote mass marriages – the celebration of a large number of marriages at the same time.

Serena Hoyles

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