In India, a bus falls into a deep gorge of 500 meters, 25 people die

The bus travels along the rugged mountain highways of Uttarakhand

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, NEW DELHI – A bus carrying guests to a wedding in Uttarakhand, India fell into a 500 meter ravine on Wednesday (5/10). At least 25 people died in the incident.

When it crashed, the bus is believed to have been traveling on a dangerous mountain highway in Uttarakhand. Just when turning a bend skirting the edge of the cliff, the bus driver could not control the speed of the vehicle and got stuck.

There were about 45 passengers on the bus. “A total of 20 people were rescued,” Uttarakhand state police chief Ashok Kumar said. India time. While 25 other people were confirmed dead in the incident.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi also commented on the incident. He said the government would provide all possible help to survivors. “At this tragic time, my thoughts are with the bereaved family,” Modi wrote on his personal Twitter account.

Fatal traffic accidents are common in Uttarakhand. The region also includes part of the Indian Himalayas and is home to many religious pilgrimage sites. In June, more than 20 people died when a bus traveling to shrines to the Hindu god Yamuna plunged into a gorge in Uttarakhand’s capital, Dehradun.

According to a World Bank report published last year, India accounts for 11% of road deaths worldwide. Even though the country has only one percent of the world’s vehicles. The same report estimates that in India, there are about 150,000 deaths from car accidents each year.

Jordan Carlson

"Zombie geek. Beer trailblazer. Avid bacon advocate. Extreme introvert. Unapologetic food evangelist. Internet lover. Twitter nerd."

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