Hydropower project in disputed region strains India-China relations

Mutual accusations

Hydropower project in disputed region strains India-China relations

Today, July 12, 2024 | 11:24

India plans to build 12 hydroelectric power plants in the northeastern Himalayan region of Arunachal Pradesh, according to “Independent“ reported. The decision could further escalate tensions with China, which has territorial claims over the area.

Financial support and political tensions

The Indian government has approved financial support of up to $90 million for each project. A total of $1 billion will be provided for construction. According to the Independent, the power plants are part of a larger plan to develop infrastructure in remote areas.

China has reacted strongly to the plan. China’s Foreign Ministry described the infrastructure construction on “Chinese territory” as “illegal and illegitimate.” “South Tibet is Chinese territory,” a Foreign Ministry spokesman told Reuters.

Worried about the Brahmaputra

India, for its part, has concerns over China's dam-building on the Brahmaputra River, which flows through Arunachal Pradesh, reports “Japan Time“. According to India, these projects could cause flooding or water shortages in the downstream areas of the river.


Ambrose Fernandez

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