Hit India, Ahsan/Hendra in the semi-finals

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Mohammad Ahsan/Hendra Setiawan finished the MR Arjun / Dhruv Kapila match in the quarter-finals 2022 World Championship at the Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium, Japan, Friday (8/26) morning.

Ahsan/Hendra scored the first four points without noticeable resistance from the Indian opponents. Arjun/Kapila’s choice to play defensively was capitalized on by Ahsan/Hendra who continued to score after being interrupted at 4-1.

The elderly couple from Indonesia really seemed to make Arjun/Kapila die of lice. Not all of Ahsan/Hendra’s punches could be returned properly by the world number 35 double.

Ahsan/Hendra lead 11-1 in the first half. Arjun/Kapila’s second point came after the break.

Not wanting to give the opponent a ‘breath’, Ahsan/Hendra attacked Arjun/Kapila’s defense again. Again India’s second best couple couldn’t budge. The scoreboard displays the numbers 15-3.

After Ahsan/Hendra reached 16 points, Arjun/Kapila started scoring consistently. The distance too far is an advantage for Ahsan / Hendra. The first match ended at 21-8.

The second game started with a 2-0 lead taken by Ahsan/Hendra. Slightly different from the first match, Arjun / Kapila gave a fairly tight match until the score of 5-4.

After that, Ahsan/Hendra started earning points again which put them away from Arjun/Kapila. Ahsan/Hendra lead 11-6 in the second half.

The distance between Ahsan/Hendra and Arjun/Kapila is not the same as in the first game. Ahsan/Hendra continue to try and wrap up the wins for the 2022 World Championship semi-final tickets.

The pair dubbed The Daddies played effectively to score points against younger opponents.

Behind 9-15 Arjun/Kapila are still eager to catch the world number three pair. From a distance of six points, Arjun / Kapila came closer and differed by four points with the score of 12-16.

Pursued by the opponent, Ahsan / Hendra still scored points. The four-point distance is maintained at 18-14. Ahsan/Hendra then won three straight points and won 21-14.

In the semi-final, Ahsan/Hendra will face Fajar Alfian/Muhammad Rian Ardianto, first qualifiers.


Cheryl Tenny

"Thinker. Food advocate. Incurable coffee enthusiast. Communicator. Proud student. Zombie buff. Tv fanatic. Extreme troublemaker."

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