History of India’s oldest mosque + photos

Tehran (IQNA)- The oldest mosque in India known as the Cherman Mosque is located in Kodungallur, Kerala.

According to historical records, this mosque was built in Kodungallur after the migration of the Holy Prophet (as) to Medina, and is considered to be the oldest mosque in India and South Asia, and one of the oldest ancient mosques in the world.

The Cherman Mosque was built at the request of Maharaja Cherman Perumal, the ruler of Kerala known for his virtue and wisdom. The Holy Prophet (SAW) asked his companions, Malik bin Dinar and his wife, to travel to Kodungallur in Kerala to meet Maharaja Cherman Perumal, the pious and just ruler of Kerala, and invite him to Medina.

Maharaja Cherman accepted the invitation of the Holy Prophet (as) and traveled by sea to Medina. After meeting the Holy Prophet (SAW) in Medina, he converted to Islam.

He left Medina and went to the Dhofar region of Oman. Cherman fell ill at Dhofar and during his short stay in the region he sent many letters to Indian rulers urging them to accept Islam. But not long after, he died and was buried in Dhofar (Oman).

Malik bin Dinar and his wife lived in Kodungallur and spread Islam in the area. They died and were buried near the mosque they built.

Photo of the mosque, renovated over time, which still welcomes Indian Muslims.


Serena Hoyles

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