Here’s how foreign media report how toxic the air is in Jakarta

JAKARTA, – Air quality in DKI Jakarta has deteriorated in recent days. Data from IQAir, the air quality index in Jakarta this morning alone reached 176 at 06:00 WIB.

With this index, Jakarta’s air quality is in the unhealthy category.

Just this morning, the concentration of fine particulate matter (PM) 2.5 in Jakarta was also recorded at 103 micrograms per cubic meter (µgram/m3).

This figure is 12.8 times higher than the safety threshold set by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Read also : Jakarta’s air quality is poor, several residents suffer from ISPA

IQ Air even recommends people close windows to avoid dirty outside air. People are also asked to avoid outdoor activities.

Deterioration in air quality has been occurring for the past few weeks. For Thursday alone (08/10/2023), the air quality index was still quite high, namely 161 or unhealthy.

In fact, the poor air quality in Jakarta that happened recently also caught the attention of a number of overseas media. Here are the news:


Media based in London, England wrote news with the headline “The capital of Indonesia has been named the most polluted city in the world.”

Read also : Poor air quality in Jakarta, Heru Budi: 50% of pollution from transport

In its news, Reuters wrote that Jakarta topped the list of the world’s most polluted cities on Wednesday (08/09/2023).

Jakarta has reportedly consistently ranked among the world’s 10 most polluted cities since May, based on data from Swiss air quality technology company IQAir.

Jakarta, which has a population of more than 10 million, records unhealthy levels of air pollution nearly every day based on data from Swiss air quality technology company IQAir.

Vietnam More

Media from a neighboring country, Vietnam Plus, also reported on the poor air quality in Jakarta with the headline, “Severe air pollution hits Jakarta” on Thursday (8/10/2023).

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Vietnam Plus also named Jakarta the most polluted major city in the world on August 10, 2023.

Over the past week, Jakarta and its surrounding area of ​​around 30 million people have overtaken other heavily polluted cities, including Riyadh in Saudi Arabia, Doha in Qatar and Lahore in Pakistan.

This heavy pollution is based on high concentrations of small particles called PM2.5 which can enter the airways and lead to breathing problems.

South China Morning Post

Not only is it a matter of consistency, Jakarta is in the top 10 cities with the worst air pollution in the world, South China Morning Post (SCMP) he even highlighted the complaints of the inhabitants of the capital about this condition.

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The SCMP also points to grievances Jakarta residents have long complained about the toxic air from chronic traffic, industrial smog and coal-fired power plants.

In fact, the SCMP also highlights a public lawsuit or class action in 2021 that is asking the government to take action to control air pollution.

In fact, the SCMP writes that pollution levels have continued to worsen despite a lawsuit over poor air quality won by Jakarta residents two years ago.

Finance Asia

On the other hand, Asia Financial compared Jakarta’s issue management with that of India, which fell by 33% from 2005 to 2019. This news was written under the title “India’s emissions drop drastically; but Jakarta is the most polluted city in the world.”

Read also : Heru Budi’s solution to Jakarta’s poor air quality: electric vehicles and planting trees

Asia Financial writes that India, which is considered the third largest emitter of greenhouse gases in the world, has seen a bigger reduction in emissions than expected.

Asia Financial writes that this success cannot be separated from the government’s adoption of renewable energy and the expansion of its green space.

This contrasts with conditions in Jakarta, which have never improved. Asia Financial also highlighted the government’s decision to move the national capital to East Kalimantan as a solution.

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Jordan Carlson

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