Held on the shores of Lake Toba, the Women20 Summit is preparing a communiqué to present to the President of the Republic of Indonesia

SIMALUNGUN – The Women20 (W20) Summit will take place from July 19-21, 2022, at the Niagara and Caldera Hotel, on the shores of Lake Toba, Parapat, Simalungun Regency, North Sumatra. A series of agendas are ready, including dialogues and conferences focusing on topics such as discrimination for gender-based policymaking, women’s economic empowerment, inclusive economy for women rural people and women with disabilities and business support. The W20 Summit is also ready to hand over the W20 communiqué to the President of the Republic of Indonesia as the leader of the G20.

A number of senior ministers will attend the meeting, including KPPPA RI, Bintang Puspayoga, Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment, Luhut Pandjaitan, Indonesian Finance, Sri Mulyani, Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, Airlangga Hartarto, Deputy President of MPR RI, Lestari Moerdijat, Indonesian Coordinating Minister Parekraf, Sandiaga Uno, Coordinating Minister for SMEs, Teten Masduki, Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives and President of P20 Indonesia, Puan Maharani, and Governor of North Sumatra , Edy Rahmayadi. A series of international personalities from the 18 G20 member countries will also be present at this W20 summit. Some of them are Andrea Grobocopatel from Argentina, Caitlin Byrne from Australia, Martine Marandel from France, Juliana Rosin from Germany, Pam Rajput and HE Manoj Kumar Bharti from India, Lester Asamoah from United States of America,

W20 Indonesia Chairman Hadriani Uli Silalahi said the W20 was the first engagement group of the Group of Twenty (G20) which started in December 2021 and also completed the summit first. Resulting from a series of meetings of international scope, the W20 is also the first engagement group to have produced a press release.

“We will submit this document directly to the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, as the head of the Indonesian G20 Presidency at the close of the W20 Summit.” Uli said.

According to Uli, since kicking off in December 2021, the W20 delegation has held various integrated discussions with inputs and recommendations from various partners. These are organizations that focus on women and come from a number of G20 member countries.

Through the communiqué submitted to the President, Uli hopes that the various discussion efforts that have been carried out by the Indonesian W20 Presidency can make gender issues, especially rural women and women with disabilities, one of the focuses of the G20.

With this in mind, added W20 Indonesia Co-Chair Dian Siswarini, the W20 Summit event in Lake Toba will also focus on addressing various priority issues of the W20, particularly in relation to equality and discrimination. , the inclusive economy, for women-owned MSMEs.

“In addition, there will also be discussions on issues related to improving access for women with disabilities and rural women to education, technology, finance and health equity. All of this will be brought together in a series of policy dialogues and conferences.” he explained.

According to Dian, the W20 Summit agenda should also create commitments, policies and recommendations to become the main focus of the G20 on four important points. First, to promote equality, security and well-being by eliminating discrimination that hinders women’s participation in the economy. Second, achieve economic inclusion by supporting women-owned and managed MSMEs. Third, address vulnerability to increase resilience, with a focus on women with disabilities and rural women. Fourth, the call for gender equality in health.

On the other hand, Dian also revealed that W20 was the first group to score a release. In fact, there was consensus.

“It’s not easy, because we have to have more than 30 meetings with delegates to hear each other and agree on what we are going to convey to the leaders during the G20 leaders. So, effectively, in these meetings, there was a lot of exchange of ideas. , debate, because we have to federate ideas which of course differ from each country, yes, but thank God, we obtained consensus 10 days before this summit was take place,” he explained.

The meeting, which took place in a hybrid way, will consist of three main sessions. The first day will be opened by a dialogue on the theme Strengthening the fraternity between women for a global diplomacy, sharing inspiration and aspiration. Among the participants are the South Korean W20 delegation, Minah Kang, the Indian W20 delegation, Priti Darooka, and the German W20 delegation, Caroline Ausserer.

Followed by an international conference on women’s empowerment at the G20 which was split into two forums at the same time. The first forum addressed two important themes, namely, first, how to combat discrimination in the development of gender-focused policies. Second, how to overcome and seize opportunities for women’s economic empowerment. Present as resource persons, including the head of the We-Fi secretariat, Wendy Teleki, who will address the theme of tightening financing for women-owned SMEs. In addition, there will also be CEO and Founder of Global Invest Her as well as EU W20 Delegation, Anne Ravanona, who will raise the topic of gender responsive sourcing.

Jordan Carlson

"Zombie geek. Beer trailblazer. Avid bacon advocate. Extreme introvert. Unapologetic food evangelist. Internet lover. Twitter nerd."

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