Heat wave between India and Pakistan will test human survivability

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Part of the territory India and Pakistan increased Temperature important and endangers millions of lives. This phenomenon is an impact climate crisis.

According to the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD), throughout the month of April, the average maximum temperature in northwest India is 35.9 degrees Celsius. While the northern part of India even reached 37.78 degrees Celsius.

This led to school closures, crop failures and a decline in coal stocks. The Indian government has closed schools and asked its citizens to stay indoors to avoid dehydration.

In recent years, the federal government and Indian state governments have implemented a number of measures to mitigate the effects of heat waves. But according to IPCC lead author and senior researcher at the Indian Institute of Human Settlements, Chadni Singh, much more needs to be done to prepare for future heat waves.

“You have to adapt as much as you can. This heat wave is testing the limits of human survivability. [Apalagi] India has no intention of fighting the heat wave [jangka panjang] and there are planning gaps,” Singh said.

India’s energy ministry has so far said coal stocks at three of the five power stations that Delhi relies on to supply its electricity have fallen below 25%.

India has canceled more than 650 passenger trains till the end of May to give priority to freight trains. Indeed, India is currently struggling to replenish coal stocks in power plants.

Apart from school closures and loss of coal stocks, India is also experiencing poor harvests. Northern Punjab, known as “India’s Breadbasket”, is experiencing an average temperature increase of up to 7 degrees Celsius, which is impacting wheat yields.

“Due to the heat wave, we lost over 5 quintals (500 kilograms) per hectare of our April crop,” Singh said.

Chandni Singh said farm workers were more likely to suffer from intense heat.

“People who work outdoors – farmers, construction workers, laborers – will suffer more. They have fewer options for cooling off and cannot escape the heat,” he said.

In April, New Delhi experienced temperatures above 40 degrees Celsius for seven consecutive days. In other words, it is three degrees above the average April temperature.

Not only India, Pakistan and the cities of Jacobabad and Sibi in Sindh province also experienced heat waves of up to 47 degrees Celsius.

“This is the first time in decades that Pakistan has experienced what many call ‘the year without spring’,” Pakistan’s Climate Change Minister Sherry Rehman said.

Experts say the climate crisis will lead to more frequent and longer heat waves. Moreover, this phenomenon can affect more than a billion people in both countries. According to Chadni Singh, India will be one of the countries most affected by the climate crisis.

“This heat wave is completely unprecedented,” said Dr. Chandni Singh.

“We have seen changes in intensity, time of arrival and duration. This is what climate experts are predicting and it will have a gradual impact on health,” he said.


Jordan Carlson

"Zombie geek. Beer trailblazer. Avid bacon advocate. Extreme introvert. Unapologetic food evangelist. Internet lover. Twitter nerd."

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