Handcuffs can click here: Baerbock wants to imprison political Putin

In March, the International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant for warlord Vladimir Putin (70)!

It must now also be implemented in accordance with the wishes of Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (42, Green). Namely at a summit of countries called the BRICS last August in South Africa. Putin will be caught there.

The five BRICS countries include the world’s two largest countries: China and India. Also Brazil, South Africa – and of course Russia.

Therefore Baerbock left for South Africa on Monday afternoon. Their goal: to dissuade South Africans from their hitherto more pro-Russian path.

Officially, the Cape is neutral, but traditionally close to the Kremlin. Historical background: During the Cold War, the Soviet Union supported the African National Congress (ANC) in its fight against the racist apartheid system.

Criticism has poured in for months over South Africa’s failure to condemn Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine and abstain from the UN vote. On the contrary, the South African army even took part in military maneuvers with Russia and China – especially on the first anniversary of the war!

After all: South African President Cyril Ramaphosa (70) traveled two weeks ago with African delegations to Russia and Ukraine to mediate – to no avail. Critics spoke of a “failed PR stunt”.

In August, BRICS heads of state will meet in Durban, South Africa. Kremlin dictator Putin is also expected. Therefore, Baerbock sensed a historic opportunity: If Putin does arrive, he must be arrested!

Because: Then he holds Arrest Order Criminal Court in The Hague. South Africa has also committed to this in the Rome Statute, which entered into force in 2002.

Baerbock asked for mercy

Ahead of his visit, the Foreign Minister urged sympathy for Ukraine – in South Africa’s biggest weekly newspaper. “I understand that in a country 9,000 kilometers away you can ask: Why should we interfere?” he wrote in the Sunday Times.

And pleaded: “But I want to encourage everyone to ask themselves: What reaction do I expect from the international community if this war breaks out in my neighborhood?”

On Tuesday, the Minister of Foreign Affairs will meet his colleague Naledi Pandor (69) in Pretoria. Baerbock’s visit will also discuss expanding vaccine production in Africa, green hydrogen cooperation, dual training of specialists and the consequences of war for Africa.

The south of the world in particular is suffering from massive increases in grain prices – and Putin has shown that the deal, which ended on July 18don’t want to update.

Ambrose Fernandez

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