Guinea Pig Deworming – Guinea Pig Forum

Hi, I need your advice and opinion.

I noticed a few days ago like two intestinal worms in the anal sac of my guinea pig so I immediately made an appointment with the vet, the clinic (did NAC) was very unfamiliar with chons and after a quick check the vet told me it was almost impossible to pig guinea has worms, she still prescribed me anthelmintic, “Capizol” I was quite skeptical because on the box it says it’s for cows, sheep and pigs I wonder if giving this to my guinea pigs isn’t harmful even in small amounts (has a strong chemical smell) very strong) I think my vet knows what he’s doing but I still have a question…

Have you ever had worms with your dog? Do you know a better and more natural alternative?

Just in case: my chon, Doubi is Peruvian he is 1 year and 7 months old weighs 1kg100 and has no other health problems, has long hair I often make sure that he is clean on the back as well as his anal sacs as a precaution, I check every month he does not lose weight significantly he is stable, he only eats pellets, fresh vegetables and fruit, his appetite is very good, nickel feces and behavior is more than normal

Thanks in advance for your answer šŸ™‚

Serena Hoyles

"Twitter junkie. Hipster-friendly bacon expert. Beer ninja. Reader. Communicator. Explorer. Passionate alcohol geek."

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