guests transported to India

Seniors are out, in Nanteuil-lès-Meaux, Sunday, October 16, for a traditional meal offered by the city government.

Guests were received by the mayor, Régis Sarazin, and the municipal team, in the Oblin room for the annual banquet that, this year, brought them to India, where they dined on exotic dishes seasoned with spices, and Indian dances including bewitching ones. bhangra is performed by men in traditional clothes. Indian style of dance and music originates from Punjab province, bhangra song lyrics relate to celebration, love, patriotism or current social issues.

Régis Sarazin in his speech mentioned the problems related to the economic crisis facing the community: “We are diving into the energy crisis we experience every day. To illustrate, in 2021, the City’s bill, regarding flows, will be around 300,000 euros; in 2022, it will be around 600,000 euros, and if prices stay at this level, we will have to face, in 2023, a bill that will amount to between two and three million euros. It’s not fun. We have to save money and things that will concern you every day; and who is the most visible; of street lighting. It will be turned off from midnight to 5 a.m., starting October 24. Other cities have already done so. This means a savings of 85,000 euros… but today, we’re going to think about something else. We all get together and this is for fun with great food, and great entertainment… We are here a bit like family. »

Banner article 2-2 New Year's Month from 5 to 11 Nov 2022

The mayor also took the opportunity to recall the services offered by the city government, including a “Tuesday shuttle” for shopping. “I know that it’s a tool that many of you appreciate very much, including our dean” punctuation mark Regis Sarazin. Inside the room, tables are shaped according to each other’s proximity, often between neighbors, such as “the Pigeon alley” with Nadine, Bernard, Brigitte, Daniel…

Dean and Dean

At the end of his remarks, the mayor presented flowers and chocolates to the two deans, Monique Vasseur and Paulette Sirode, both 95 years old. The dean, Jean Baroteaux, will turn 92 in February, and received chocolates and a bottle of wine. He did not fail to slip a note of humor into the mayor’s ear: “Hindu party and mayor loud…” Intelligent, alert, smiling, energetic and talkative, the three esteemed members are admired by members’ presence by people who are much younger.

Joséphine Baert, a member of the city council in charge of solidarity and social affairs, wears a “saree dress”, carefully draping a small cloth band around each guest’s wrist, in Indian style.

The Christmas packages will be delivered to the nursing home by volunteers in December.

3-2 Kinésio banner article from 30 July to 28 January 2023

Last modified on Tuesday, 08/11/2022

Serena Hoyles

"Twitter junkie. Hipster-friendly bacon expert. Beer ninja. Reader. Communicator. Explorer. Passionate alcohol geek."

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