Gratyo Values​​Business Training becomes a vital need for MSMEs to advance the class

Bisnis.comJAKARTA – The Gratyo Business Training Center has held an Indonesia Looking for Founder (IMF) competition with the aim of training MSME business actors in Indonesia to step up to the classroom.

Gratyo Founder Yohanes G Pauly opined that currently many parties are trying to stimulate the growth of MSMEs, both from government and private side. One way it is thought to contribute to acceleration is by business coaching (business training).

“Microsoft Founder Bill Gates said everyone needs a coach. We all need people who provide honest input. That way we can improve to bring MSMEs to the classroom” , he added in a statement on Wednesday (9/21/2022). ).

Yohanes said that with a business education, MSME actors can apply practical strategies that have been proven in the field, so they find blind spots that business people haven’t realized until now. now and have made their business unable to make a profit and operate automatically.

The reason is that Indonesia in 2045 is predicted by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), to become the fourth country with the largest economy in the world after China, India and the United States (US).

“In line with IMF forecasts, data from the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs in 2021 indicates that 61% of the increase in the economy and gross domestic product (GDP) will be contributed by SME activities. Even this MSME business absorbs 97% of job opportunities for workers in need,” he said.

The International Business Times report says a trial-and-error approach is a way for companies to identify strategies that aren’t working and use them as a springboard to grow their business. However, this approach requires a lot of money, effort and time.

“If we can speed up this trial and error learning process, then MSME business people can accelerate their business growth,” he said.

In addition, he said his party is presenting the Indonesia Looking for Founders (IMF) competition which aims to find MSME business owners and potential entrepreneurs to train for free for one year so that businesses can take the class.

Besides Coach Yohanes G. Pauly Indonesia, Seeking Founders also invited Merry Riana, David Tjokrorahardjo, Ferry Dafira, Sylvia Surya, CEO of Kopi Soe Group and Co-Founder Menantea, as well as Marbio Suntanu, Co-Founder of Yummy Corp and affiliates of the Ismaya group. as judges in this contest.

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