Government claims to have reduced emissions from electric cars despite switch to PLTU

JAKARTA – Coordinating Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Investment (Kemenko Marves) says emissions from electric-generated vehicles are lower than those from oil-fired vehicles despite shifting transmitters to coal-fired power plants (PLTU) .

“A lot of people ask about the question of reducing emissions, is it true or not reducing emissions because electric cars have no emissions, but switching to a PLTU? Is it true that moving , but the emissions are lower,” Deputy for Infrastructure and Transport Coordination of the Coordinating Ministry of Maritime Affairs Rachmat Kaimuddin as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, May 31.

Rachmat claims that using batteries as a propulsion engine is more efficient than fuel oil (BBM).

He also gave the example of a car consuming 1 liter of gasoline to reach a certain distance, so an electric car is equivalent to 1.2 kWh.

The big difference is in the emissions produced. Calculation, 1 liter of gasoline when burned will release 2.3 kg of CO2. Meanwhile, electric cars, which are supposed to use 100% of the PLTU’s energy, will only produce 1.2 kg of CO2 emissions.

Why (For what)? because sooner Combustion engine (petrol car) it’s not really effective,” he explains.

In addition to the low emissions produced by electric vehicles, Rachmat also admitted that collecting emissions produced by hundreds of PLTUs is easier than emissions produced by vehicle exhausts.

To collect emissions from the PLTU, he said, he could use carbon capture technology, energy transition and retire the coal-fired power plant. This is much easier than reducing vehicle exhaust emissions in Indonesia, which have up to 150 million units, namely 130 million motorcycles and 20 million cars.

“This needs to be addressed too, that the only one is kayaking collect cool, big one. So more can manage friends are also working on this big one for the energy transition Green,” he said.

On the same occasion, Tenny Kristiana, associate researcher at the International Council and Clean Transport (ICCT), said that there was a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from the use of electric vehicles (electric vehicles/ VE), even with an energy mix.

Although currently his party is still calculating the amount of emission reduction by switching vehicles using BBM (ICE) to electricity in Indonesia, Tenny is sure that the emissions produced by electric vehicles will be much lower.

This is based on a study conducted in China as a country with fuel consumption that almost resembles Indonesia. The ICCT noted that emission reductions in China reached 40-60%. Meanwhile, in India, it is 30-50%.

“We calculate the specific emissions for Indonesia in 2035 and 2050, and we will publish them soon. summer. Generally speaking, we also counted the collection of data on cars, also counting motorcycles. The result is a 50% reduction in EV compare with ICE for cars, while motorbikes are around 30%,” he explained.

Tags: national emissions electric cars electric vehicles

Jordan Carlson

"Zombie geek. Beer trailblazer. Avid bacon advocate. Extreme introvert. Unapologetic food evangelist. Internet lover. Twitter nerd."

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