Google, Amazon, Microsoft and Meta replace thousands of laid-off workers with cheap foreign workers

Google illustration. Photo: special

JAKARTA – Tech giants Google, Amazon, Microsoft and Meta are making mass layoffs. Ironically, at the same time, they even recruited foreign workers to replace their workers.

According to Business Today, these foreign workers will occupy technical positions with lower salaries.

“According to a report citing data from the US Department of Labor, Google submits applications to low-paid H1-B workers for highly skilled technology positions in the United States. Many of these workers hold H1-B visas “, said the page reads, citing Thursday (18/5/2023).

Applications provided by Google, including roles such as software engineer, analytics consultant, user experience researcher, and more.

Additionally, Waymo, a Google subsidiary focused on self-driving cars, is also seeking visa applications for engineering jobs. Multiple visas for new employees, since August 17.

Department of Labor data reveals that recently laid off tech giants, such as Meta, Amazon, Zoom, Salesforce and Microsoft, have applied for thousands of H1-B foreign worker visas.

“Including thousands of workers on H1-B visas from India. These employees have lost or will soon lose their right to stay in the United States after being laid off. On the other hand, many new H1-B applicants B are invited to take positions at the same company,” he continued.

Meta, formerly known as Facebook, laid off 21,000 employees within months.

Meanwhile, Google laid off 12,000 employees in January and Amazon carried out two rounds of layoffs, removing some 27,000 employees from its payroll.

Meanwhile, Microsoft announced a reduction in the global workforce of almost 5%, or the equivalent of 10,000 jobs, in January.


Jordan Carlson

"Zombie geek. Beer trailblazer. Avid bacon advocate. Extreme introvert. Unapologetic food evangelist. Internet lover. Twitter nerd."

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