Good news: there will be no more tigers at the Fort Boyard event! – News

Better late than never! Adventure Line Productions (ALP) has announced that Fort Boyard will be removing the tigers from the show this summer. PETA, which has campaigned against the use of tigers at Fort Boyard for years, welcomed this decision and urged the event to commit to no longer using any animals, to really get the Fort Boyard legend into the spirit. time.

ALP also explained that an amount of money would be set aside for the two tigers, Kashmir and Tosca, to enable them to “continue to receive all necessary care and end their lives with respect for the dignity of the animals”.

Wild animals suffer from captivity

Wild animals such as tigers suffer from captivity: they are transported and locked up in stressful conditions and deprived of everything important to them, including their freedom, the possibility to choose their kin and the ability to express their natural behavior. Fort Boyard’s last two tigers had to be sent to a sanctuary, so they could finally live the natural life they had rejected for so long.

Animals exploited for motion pictures, television productions, or entertainment programs live lives of stress and deprivation. A US PETA investigation expressing animal suffering used for many Hollywood movies and series. The living conditions that have been reported represent the norm rather than the exception for animals used in entertainment experiences.

Animals are not props

Participants and viewers’ opposition to animal exploitation grows from season to season, as they realize that animals are sentient beings and not tools of entertainment.

This evolution of mentality meant the decision to no longer exploit animals for amusement was linked: Cyril Hanouna engaged himself to no longer bring animals to the set Don’t touch My TV after PETA ambassador Pamela Anderson went live to protest the presence of animals, Gulli’s channel was rewarded by PETA for his decision not to broadcast a show featuring pets, in a desire to fight animal suffering, and after a request from PETA, TF1 committed not to show wolves on set Dance with the stars.

What can you do

Don’t watch movies or TV shows that use live animals, and also refuse to participate in activities that exploit them, such as elephant rides, bullfights, taking pictures with animals, or visiting marine parks. Without consumer support, this tourist spot would not exist.

Garfield Woolery

"Award-winning travel lover. Coffee specialist. Zombie guru. Twitter fan. Friendly social media nerd. Music fanatic."

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