Given the growing number of refugees, the CDU leadership demanded a firm statement from the federal government

The chancellor should deliver a speech in the German Bundestag “as soon as possible” and declare that there is no longer any reception capacity in Germany, CDU Secretary General Carsten Linnemann told “Bild” (Monday edition). “The Chancellor must send a signal to the rest of the world: Our capacity is running out. We will stop illegal migration.”

The parliamentary managing director of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group, Thorsten Frei, also supported Scholz’s address to the world as a signal against more illegal migration: “The chancellor must no longer shy away. He must also take the initiative in Europe”, said Frei of “Bild” . The CDU leadership also urged the federal government to launch a joint asylum pact. Linnemann and Frei proposed a five-point plan to reduce the number of refugees quickly and significantly. The federal government should immediately implement stationary controls on Germany’s borders with Switzerland, Poland and the Czech Republic. As the paper continues, Linnemann and Frei also propose the introduction of prepaid cards for asylum seekers that they could use, among other things, to buy food. “The prepaid cards are intended to prevent them from transferring money to their home country,” quotes “Bild” from the plan. In addition, there should be no more money for asylum seekers who are forced to leave their country, but only benefits in kind “at the absolute minimum necessary”. Asylum seekers who have no prospects of staying should receive “expedited procedures in transit zones at the country’s borders.” “Applicants who are rejected must then be accommodated in returning centers. This is intended to prevent those forced to leave the country from hiding,” Linnemann and Frei demanded. Additionally, the federal government should immediately end all voluntary admissions programs and declare the Maghreb and Indian states as safe countries of origin.

dts Deutsche Textservice Nachrichtenagentur GmbH

Ambrose Fernandez

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