Gita Wirjawan wants 100 million Indonesians to be good at foreign languages

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. The EdTech Cakap platform, officially announced Gita Wirjawan, Minister of Commerce 2011-2014, as a member of the Board of Commissioners.

Gita started her new role as curator in August 2022 and immediately focused on language as a quick way to master education.

“This company in the field of EdTech as “ripe fruit” especially those who have a core business of foreign language lessons. There are still many Indonesians who cannot speak the language understood by the global community,” Gita said in an official statement received by, (8/22).

Gita who chaired the session in World Trade Organization Ministerial Conference In 2013, it was pointed out that Indonesia is often less competitive in communicating internationally than India and Singapore.

Read also : Becoming Cakap EdTech Commissioner, Gita Wirjawan: Focus on Teaching Foreign Language Skills

In addition, Gita also pointed out that the potential of language skills can improve well-being, for example, migrant workers from the Philippines who are able to bring in more foreign currency because they speak better English.

“Hopefully Indonesians who are sent to the Middle East, Hong Kong, Singapore, can become IT supervisors or general managers in hotels because they are good at English,” Gita said.

In addition to Gita, so far Cakap already has another name who sits on the board of commissioners. Among them is Arya Setiadharma, CEO of Prasetia Dwidharma, a company in the field of technology, information, communication and investment infrastructure.

EdTech, which has over 1.8 million downloads, also places Kenneth Li, who is the managing partner of MDI VC Singapore, as one of its commissioners.

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Gita, who was featured as a featured guest on a talk show on Youtube channel Cakap, again stressed the importance of equitable distribution of education, especially skills that are not acquired in the workplace. formal education.

“Imagine if 100 million Indonesian citizens are proficient in English, Mandarin, our human resources can surely occupy strategic positions in global companies. The sky is the only limit. Efforts to equalize education outside of formal channels need to be expanded again, so this is where technology plays a role.” The Gita says.

Meanwhile, Tomy Yunus, CEO and co-founder of Cakap, really appreciates and welcomes Gita’s arrival as commissioner.

According to Tomy, the figure of Gita who is close to the world of education is quite suitable to be appointed as a commissioner who will support the development of EdTech Indonesia through Cakap.

“The figure of Gita Wirjawan has a vision and a mission in line with Cakap, which is to maximize Indonesia’s potential and talents. Cakap conducted a mission as a course provider platform development which aims to improve the quality of the country’s human resources,” said Tomy.

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Tomy also hopes that by joining Gita as commissioner, Cakap can become a common forum to realize the improvement of the nation’s capabilities and skills.

“So far, there have been over 2.7 million students who have taken various courses/courses, 250 partners from various institutions to study development their employees, and 1,600 teachers/experts who join the Cakap. This figure has the potential to continue to grow, so we hope that Indonesian human resources can be part of the global community with qualified language and professional skills,” said Tomy.

Tommy asked a question”What’s your endgame Mr Gita?”

Gita replied frankly My endgame is to be a teacher. Many countries focus only on the curriculum, but ignore the quality of teachers. Today, the challenge is not only to produce quality teachers, but also to master technology, and that is our collective task.

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Jordan Carlson

"Zombie geek. Beer trailblazer. Avid bacon advocate. Extreme introvert. Unapologetic food evangelist. Internet lover. Twitter nerd."

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