Get to know the British Prime Minister’s wife, heiress to India’s tech empire


Akshata Murti to be in the spotlight after her husband, Rishi Sunakbecame Prime Minister or British Prime Minister first bloody Asia, precisely India. Akshata himself is not a random character and he will inherit India’s famous tech empire.

Akshata, who like her husband is 42, was born in Hubli, India in 1980. Her father is Narayana Murthy and her mother is Sudha Murty.

At the time of his birth, his parents were not wealthy and were still struggling to raise their standard of living. “Your mother and I were young and struggling in our careers,” the father wrote in his book, about that time.

When he was only a few months old, Akshata was sent to his maternal grandfather for treatment. This is because her parents are busy pursuing a career in Mumbai.

As quoted detikINET from the BBC, a year later or in 1981, Narayana founded Infosys with several colleagues. Later, the information technology company grew into a giant and made Narayana very rich.

Akshata was brought up with discipline, there was not even a television at home so that he and his sister could concentrate on their studies. He then studied in California, then obtained an MBA at Stanford University.

It was at Stanford, Akshata Murti meets Sunak who is also studying there. They married in 2009 and have two daughters.

Next page, get rich with Infosys shares>>>

Jordan Carlson

"Zombie geek. Beer trailblazer. Avid bacon advocate. Extreme introvert. Unapologetic food evangelist. Internet lover. Twitter nerd."

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