Germany wants a permanent seat on the UN Security Council

UN Security Council

Germany demands a permanent seat on the UN Security Council.

(Photo: IMAGO/Pacific Press Office)

Berlin The federal government is urging early reform of the UN Security Council. At the same time, it confirmed Germany’s claim to a permanent seat on the UN’s highest body.

Reform is becoming increasingly urgent because countries in the Southern Hemisphere no longer want to accept the inequality that exists at the UN. Additionally, the Security Council is blocked, a government representative said ahead of next week’s UN General Assembly in New York.

“We are sticking with the candidacy for a permanent seat,” he added, pointing out that Germany is the UN’s second-largest funder.

Reform of the Security Council has been sought for decades as it still reflects the structure of victorious countries since 1945. Only five permanent members the United States, Russia, China, France and Britain have veto power in the 15-member body.

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