Gangs in India Operate Fake Police Station, Hundreds of Palak Citizens

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

A gang in India disguised himself as a policeman and ran a fake police station for eight months.

An Indian police official, DC Srivastava, said the gang disguised themselves as police officers and opened a police station at a hotel in Bihar state. They are believed to have managed to extort money from hundreds of people during their eight months of operation.

The fake police station is just 500 meters from the Bihar Police Chief’s house.

Srivastava said gang members continued to wear police uniforms with rank insignia and weapons.

“Investigations are ongoing in this case. More information will be revealed,” Srivastava said on Saturday (8/20).

Cited AFPthe fake policemen then forcibly collect money from locals who come to complain and ask for help.

By posing as police officers, this gang also pocketed bribes from people asking for help in obtaining public housing or police jobs.

The gang is known to help hire people from the surrounding countryside to pose as other police officers working in their offices. These people were paid about US$6 a day.

Their fake operation was uncovered when a real cop saw the two gang members carrying guns made at a local repair shop. In fact, so far Indian police and security forces have purchased weapons from the state arms service agency.

At least six gang members, including two women, have been arrested in connection with the case. However, the gang leader is still a fugitive.


[Gambas:Video CNN]

Cheryl Tenny

"Thinker. Food advocate. Incurable coffee enthusiast. Communicator. Proud student. Zombie buff. Tv fanatic. Extreme troublemaker."

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