New Delhi/Ottawa (dpa) – Due to technical problems with his plane, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is temporarily unable to leave the country after the G20 Summit in India.
Shortly before the planned departure, the delegation received information that there was a technical problem with the Airbus plane, according to a statement from his office quoted by Canadian media. Details of the technical issues were not initially communicated, but it appears they cannot be resolved in the short term. “Our delegation will remain in India until other arrangements are made,” he said.
Trudeau traveled with his delegation to a summit of leading industrial and developing countries in the Indian capital, New Delhi, on Friday. According to Canadian media, there have been some minor problems with the aircraft in the past, as well as with its replacement aircraft.
The travel plans of members of the German federal government have also sometimes been hampered by Bundeswehr plane problems. Most recently, Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock had to cancel a planned trip to Australia, New Zealand and Fiji in August due to a breakdown in the Bundeswehr’s A340 flight readiness service.
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