G20 in India: consensus expected to be difficult


Video duration: 1 minute.

France 2

Article written by

France 2 – C. marble

French Television

The G20 will kick off on Saturday 9 September. The President of the Republic will arrive at noon.

American President Joe Biden will be present at the G20 which will be held in New Delhi (India), starting Saturday 9 September, but there will be two people who will be the most absent: Vladimir Putin, who is under an international arrest warrant for war crimes in Ukraine, and then China’s president, Xi Jinping. The absence reflects the strong tensions between China and India. The two countries share a border in the Himalayas, but there are major disputes over the route.

Condemnation of the war in Ukraine: Emmanuel Macron will try to weigh in

Xi Jinping not coming was a missed opportunity for the West to mobilize China for its implicit support for the invasion of Ukraine. Meanwhile, Emmanuel Macron will try to use his influence to gain condemnation of the war in Ukraine. Heads of State also want to make progress on climate, but it will be difficult to get the G20 to act on rejecting fossil fuels, explained France Télévisions journalist Christelle Méral, special correspondent in New Delhi (India).

Serena Hoyles

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