Free flow of data Key to global internet: Google

NEW DELHI: Tech titan Google spoke out in favor of the free flow of information on Thursday global internet and the digital economy, while warning against creating “harmful or detrimental barriers” to cross-border data transfers.
Keith Enright, Google’s global chief privacy officer, said the internet, by its very nature and functionality, reflects the ability to move data freely across jurisdictional boundaries, such as sending emails, video conferencing, and various other functions, all of which ” free flow of data” require data across borders”.
The comments are gaining momentum as India introduces a data protection framework that includes rules on the flow of information across borders and data localization obligations. In the past, US technology companies and stakeholders have raised concerns about strict data localization standards and proposed restrictions on cross-border data transfers.
During a virtual briefing, Enright stated that the global Internet and the digital economy depend on the free flow of information.
“We are concerned if we see legal requirements that could impede the functioning of the internet in this regard. That’s why we’re trying to work with legislators and regulators to make sure we can continue to offer our services anywhere in the world in a way that people expect,” Enright said.
Asked if India’s proposed privacy legislation would be a limiting factor for big tech companies and their operations in India, Enright said Google’s local teams in India and global public policy teams continue to engage with policymakers locally and around the world world work together on such issues.
The company is often involved in discussions about aspects such as data localization or data sovereignty.
“Generally, when we talk about this, we try to understand what are the underlying policy goals that are intended to be advanced in this legislation. And how can we achieve these policy goals without creating harmful or harmful barriers to cross-border data transfers that are necessary for the Internet to operate…” he said.
Answering another question about India’s new cybersecurity guidelines, Enright declined to be included in the discussion of individual legal requirements.
“Our commitment is to comply with applicable legal requirements in the jurisdictions where our products and services are offered. However, we will do so in the manner that best protects our users. We will continue to innovate to provide the best possible privacy and security protection no matter where the user is located,” he said.

Sybil Alvarez

"Incurable gamer. Infuriatingly humble coffee specialist. Professional music advocate."

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