Foxconn wants to double iPhone production in India within 2 years

Facing repeated factory lockdowns in China, foxconn will now consider significantly increasing iPhone production on Indian soil. As a reminder, Foxconn currently employs 17,000 workers at its factories in India, and if we believe Reuters, fabricators intend to increase this number to 70,000 by 2024. This will still be insufficient to balance the production power of China’s Zhengzhou factory, which the latter employed over 200,000 people, but it was already the start of solutions for better ventilation production when blockage situations emerged in China (pandemic, component shortages, worker revolts, etc.). In recent weeks, the situation at the Zhengzhou factory got out of control, resulting in many workers leaving the factory despite being under lockdown (bracketed with the obligation to stay on site).

Note that Foxconn opened a new factory in India in 2019, but it is not known whether the latter is specifically aimed at iPhone production only (after all, Foxconn manufactures large quantities of electronic products on behalf of a large number of brands).

Garfield Woolery

"Award-winning travel lover. Coffee specialist. Zombie guru. Twitter fan. Friendly social media nerd. Music fanatic."

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