Fake Paris 2024 Olympics website: beware of this widespread scam

Several dozen websites selling and reselling fake tickets for the 2024 Olympics and Paralympics in Paris have been detected by cyber gendarmerie investigators.

A success that fuels jealousy… and deception. While the second phase of ticket sales for the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris launched this Thursday, May 11, with 1.5 million tickets sold individually, more than forty fraudulent websites were identified by cyber gendarmerie investigators. This malicious site, created a few weeks ago, offers counterfeit tickets for sale or resale, as well as venues at exorbitant prices, but also tampers to attract potential buyers more easily. However, there is currently no official resale platform. It should be there by the end of the year or early 2024.

Pay attention to spelling

The crooks behind these sites are taking advantage of the enthusiasm generated by these Olympics to scam people who want to attend the event and who have not managed to secure a place on the official route. To avoid falling into the trap it is very important to pay attention to spelling, some sites are easy to spot due to gross errors. But it’s not always easy to detect illegal sites. Many of them are very similar to the official sites.

And if nearly twenty sites have already been shut down, it is necessary to redouble our vigilance in the coming weeks as authorities fear Internet sites of this type will double in the coming months with more and more people trapped. In order not to be deceived, the best solution is to just pass by the official platform dedicated to ticket sales for the 2024 Olympics. And for those who haven’t yet had a chance to win the prized sesame, a third phase of sales is planned for late 2023, and into 2024.

Garfield Woolery

"Award-winning travel lover. Coffee specialist. Zombie guru. Twitter fan. Friendly social media nerd. Music fanatic."

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