Failing to achieve their goal, Indonesia only finished 13th in the Hangzhou 2022 Asian Games rankings

Desak Made climbing athlete Rita Kusuma Dewi won gold at the 2022 Asian Games (doc. NOC Indonesia)

Jakarta: Indonesia failed to achieve the top 10 target set for the Hangzhou 2022 Asian Games. Indonesia finished the tournament in 13th position in the final rankings.

The Indonesian contingent won seven gold medals, 11 silver medals and 18 bronze medals for a final total of 36 medals. Seven gold medals were awarded in shooting sports (2), BMX cycling (1), wushu (1), rock climbing (1), weightlifting (1) and dragon boat (1). ).

Silver medals were won in dragon boat (4), sepak takraw (2), skateboarding (1), rock climbing (2) and wushu (2). Meanwhile, bronze medals were won in archery (2), BMX (1), dragon boat (1), karate (1), rowing (3), sepak takraw (1), shooting (3 ), soft tennis (1), cliff climbing (2), tennis (1) and wushu (2).

Host nation China leads the medal table with 200 gold, 111 silver and 71 bronze medals. Next come Japan, Korea, India and Uzbekistan among the five countries with the most medals.

Menpora Dito Ariotedjo will conduct an evaluation and interview with the sports that participated in the Asian Games after failing to achieve the goal. He promised to find the best solution to improve performance in the next tournament.

“Once finished, we will evaluate the total of all sports present at the Asian Games and we will analyze those that did not reach the target. “We need to sit down together and find the best solution,” explained Dito.

Cheryl Tenny

"Thinker. Food advocate. Incurable coffee enthusiast. Communicator. Proud student. Zombie buff. Tv fanatic. Extreme troublemaker."

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