Examine the aspects of human life, let’s get to know the faculty of philosophy and career prospects

Jakarta: Various things can be learned in institutions of higher learning, one of which is the aspect of human life. The specific study of this subject is philosophy.

Philosophy study from knowledge, morals, politics, economics, socio-culture, art, language and religion, rationally and critically. One of the campuses that offers philosophy studies is Gadjah Mada University (UGM) through the Faculty of Philosophy.

The Faculty of Philosophy of the UGM is included in the S1 program. According to the ugm.ac.id page, the UGM Faculty of Philosophy offers studies and development of philosophy and local wisdom values ​​imbued with Pancasila.

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Graduates of this faculty are encouraged to develop their knowledge and understanding, intellectual abilities, practical skills and management skills. Otherwise, student endowed with an attitude in accordance with the field of philosophy.

Graduates of this study program have broad and deep philosophical knowledge. Also, graduates have the ability to think analytically and reflectively, radically, comprehensively and integrally regarding various theoretical and practical issues in various aspects of life.

Graduates have good analytical skills, especially in the fields of religion-culture, technology, socio-politics and ethics. Graduates also have the ability to compile and communicate philosophical concepts in general and the Pancasila philosophy in particular.

The Faculty of Philosophy of the UGM concentrates its knowledge on Philosophy which includes three scientific fields. Namely Western Philosophy (European Philosophy), Eastern Philosophy (Chinese, Indian, Islamic, Buddhist and philosophical repertoire from all over the Eastern world), and Religious Philosophy.

Of the three major sections above, it has been divided into several sections, including the general philosophy which focuses on ethics. Second, the special philosophy of life, third, the religious and cultural philosophy. As well as a socio-political philosophy and a particular philosophy of science or a philosophy of technology.

For friends of Medcom who wish to enter Philosophy, career prospects for graduates also vary. Philosophy graduates typically go on to careers in education, public service, banking, and journalism.

It is not uncommon for these graduates to also pursue careers in the private sector. In fact, they graduated as non-governmental organization job creators.


Jordan Carlson

"Zombie geek. Beer trailblazer. Avid bacon advocate. Extreme introvert. Unapologetic food evangelist. Internet lover. Twitter nerd."

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