“Exactly why we need…”: Ola’s Bhavish Aggarwal after LinkedIn removes this post

Olathe founder Bhavish Aggarwal criticized the Microsoft-owned professional networking platform LinkedIn after deleting his post about the “disease pronoun”. Aggarwal recently called the use of “pronouns” a disease, saying India does not need “new pronouns”.
In an article on X, Aggarwal said that LinkedIn's artificial intelligence (AI) tool was imposing a dangerous and sinister political ideology on Indian users.
“Dear @LinkedIn, my article was about YOUR AI imposing a dangerous and sinister political ideology on Indian users,” the ride-hailing app CEO said in the post.
“Good of you to call my post dangerous!” This is exactly why we need to develop our own technology and AI in India. Otherwise, we will just be pawns for other political goals,” he added.

What Bhavish Aggarwal said in his article on the 'disease pronoun'

Earlier this week, Aggarwal spoke to X to share his thoughts on the concept of gender pronouns and jokes about it not becoming mainstream in India.
“Most of us in India have no idea about the politics of this disease pronoun. People do it because it has become expected in our corporate culture, especially in multinationals. Better to send this disease back where it came from. Our culture has always had the respect of all. No need for new pronouns,” Aggarwal posted on X.
“Hoping that this “disease pronoun” does not reach India. Many “big city schools” in India now teach it to children. Also check out many resumes with pronouns these days. You have to know where to draw the line to blindly follow the West! “, he wrote in another article.
He had asked the AI ​​bot on LinkedIn about him and shared a screenshot of the bot's response. In the response, the bot used “they” and “their” to address the founder (instead of “he” or “his”).

Jordan Carlson

"Zombie geek. Beer trailblazer. Avid bacon advocate. Extreme introvert. Unapologetic food evangelist. Internet lover. Twitter nerd."

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