Ex-Google India Manager Responds to Sam Altman’s Challenge to Create ChatGPT

Bisnis.com, JAKARTA – Technopreneurship India busy hailing the challenge posed by OpenAI founder and CEO Sam Altman, who said there was no hope for the country of Hindustan to create a similar model ChatGPT.

Quoting the Hindustan Times, Tuesday (6/13/2023), Altman made the statement while visiting India in early June 2023 after receiving questions from venture capitalist and former Google India director Rajan Anandan.

“I will tell you that there is no hope for you to challenge us on the creation of a basic model [ChatGPT]. You don’t even have to try, although you will try anyway,” Altman said.

Altman’s statement later received a fairly heated response on social media Twitter. Including from the former leader Google India, Ananda.

Through his Twitter account, Anandan responded by saying he was grateful for Altman’s statement and responded to the provocative remarks.

“Thank you @sama for the reply. As you say ‘it’s hopeless even if you keep trying’ India’s 5000 year history of entrepreneurship shows that India should not be taken lightly. Yes, we will keep trying,” Anandan wrote.

Responses also came from Tech CEO Mahindra CP Gurnani. “Founder of OpenAI Sam Altman said company [teknologi] India is desperate to compete with them. @Sama, from CEO to CEO, challenge met!” he wrote on his Twitter account.

Google Assistant Vice President (VP) Peeyush Ranjan also livened up the atmosphere.

“An incredible perspective @RajanAnandan. The Indian business community should not be challenged. I’m surprised that a for-profit president discourages other entrepreneurs, and I consider this competition,” he wrote, also on Twitter.

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Jordan Carlson

"Zombie geek. Beer trailblazer. Avid bacon advocate. Extreme introvert. Unapologetic food evangelist. Internet lover. Twitter nerd."

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